Lyrisches von Helmut Maier

Gush Shalom welcomes reconciliation agreement between Hamas and Fatah. Avnery: „Palestinian unity is a top Israeli interest“. .

Press Release April 27, 2011

Gush Shalom welcomes reconciliation agreement between Hamas and Fatah.
Avnery: „Palestinian unity is a top Israeli interest. Netanyahu’s
rejection of the agreement proves that his government has no program and no solution“.

Following the reconciliation agreement between Hamas and Fatah, former Knesset Member Avnery, Gush Shalom activist, stated:

„I wholeheartedly welcome the agreement reached by the Palestinians in Cairo. Palestinian unity, overcoming the malignant split, are not a threat to Israel, but a top Israeli interest. The State of Israel can and must reach a peace agreement with the entire Palestinian people, with all its factions, through a Palestinian Unity Government which represents them all. “

Avnery added that „Prime Minister Netanyahu responded with the
predictable futile refusal and rejection, and proved that his
government has no solution and no way forward. The State of Israel destroyed the previous Palestinian Unity Government, resulting in a lot of bloodshed of Israelis and Palestinians alike. A serious error which must not be repeated. The State of Israel should support and encourage Palestinian unity, and contribute its share by opening the ‚Safe Passage‘ between Gaza and the West Bank – as Israel undertook to do in the Oslo Agreement but never implemented. “

1 Kommentar

  1. Helmut Maier

    Aus einer Kolumne von Uri Avnery:
    There is no sense in making peace with half a people.
    Making peace with the entire Palestinian people may be more difficult, but will be infinitely more fruitful.

    Auf Deutsch etwa: Man kann nicht sinnvollerweise mit einer halben Nation Frieden schließen.
    Mit dem ganzen palestinischen Volk Frieden zu schließen mag schwieriger sein, aber es wird unendlich fruchtbarer werden.

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